こんにちは、 危機管理ジャーナリストのサマンサです。

♣ Useful Sentences

* Quick! Get the AED!
(早く! AEDを持ってきて下さい !)

* Please call an ambulance! He/She has collapsed and is not breathing!
(救急車を呼んで下さい !  (男性 / 女性) が倒 れています! 呼吸していません!)

* In the meeting he collapsed onto the floor and was completely unconscious.

* She gave him CPR for 10 minutes until the ambulance arrived.

* He complained of feeling pins and needles in his arm before he collapsed.

* Mr. Suzuki will stand in for temporary CEO while Mr. Kiguchi is on Medical leave.

* Mr. Kiguchi has stood down from CEO and Mr. Suzuki will succeed him.

* The company has a succession plan.

* Call 119 in an emergency.

* I am feeling very unwell, please call a doctor immediately!

* We/I hope you recover soon. (someone in hospital)

* Our/My condolences for your loss.

* I/We are very sorry to hear about…