
 ◆ Exercise1
1)  The CEO had a heart attack in a client meeting and was taken to hospital yesterday. It is unclear at the moment if he will recover or be able to return to work. You have been asked to update the webpage with a reassuring message to investors of your company’s plans to fill the gap of the CEO’s absence.
(CEOが、昨日クライアントミーティングの時に、心臓発作で、病院に搬送された。病気が完治して 職場に復帰できるかは、現時点でははっきりしていない。CEO不在を埋めるための企業の計画について、投資家たちを安心させるメッセージを添えて、ウェブ ページの更新をしなければいけない。)

 ♥Question 1
How will you write?

◆ Exercise2
2) You are a building safety manager and you have been asked to write a notice for foreign residents/staff in English on what they should do in the case of a medical emergency in the building.

♥Question 2
How will you write?

◆ Exercise3
3) You received an e-mail from a key American supplier that their CEO passed away unexpectedly last week.

♥Question 3
Write a response to the e-mail - what do you think is the best way to raise the issues of succession in the reply e-mail?



前回の Exercise の解答例

Shinken Company is aware of the present spread of the new H2N2 virus in the Tokyo area. The following precautions are being taken to ensure the good health of both staff and clients.

- All staff and visitors are encourages to use anti-bacterial cleanser on their hands at entrance to the building.
- Key staff have received vaccines and have remote working capability.
- Staff are advocated to wear face masks during train commutes.
- Sick staf f are advised to remain at home and seek immediate medical assistance.
- All staff travel and client visitor access has presently been limited in view of government recommendations to reduce travel during this high infection period.

- All residents and visitors are encourages to use anti-bacterial cleanser on their hands at entrance to the building.
- Elderly, children and mothers-to-be should speak to the local health clinic for vaccinations.
- Avoid all unnecessary travel
- Wear facemask on trains and in public areas.
- Be diligent about personal hygiene issues such as washing hands after visiting toilet rooms or when coming back into your home from outside.

Dear Xian,
We have heard the reports of the H2N2 virus in Gyangdong.
Please could you reassure us of the precautionary measure been taken at the factory to protect staff and key works?
Best regards,