
9.11から21年が過ぎた今、アメリカの危機管理はどのように変わったのか、アメリカの大手コンサルティング会社のマッキンゼー・アンド・カンパニー社は今年8月、アメリカの過去20年間のリスクマネジメントの発展について“Building resilience: The history and future of US crisis management”というレポートを発表しています。


1. Two decades have passed since the tragic events of 9/11 and the subsequent implementation of the Homeland Security Act of 2002. This landmark legislation spurred the largest reorganization of the US federal government since the National Security Act of 1947, uniting the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) with 21 other organizations under the newly created Department of Homeland Security (DHS).


subsequent:形容詞で「それに続く」。Homeland Security Act of 2002:「国土安全保障法」。 landmark:形容詞で「画期的な」「重大な」。legislation:名詞で「法律」。National Security Act of 1947:「国家安全保法」。DHS(Department of Homeland Security):「米国国土安全保障省」。


2. DHS has developed and implemented national response structures that have improved and streamlined how local, regional, and national disaster responders serve communities. For instance, it launched the National Incident Management System(NIMS) in 2004 as a preparedness and response management model designed to standardize and unify response operations.


streamlined:動詞で「合理化する/簡素化する」。NIMS(National Incident Management System):「米国現場指揮システム」。


3. The increased spending on disaster relief and preparedness is driven, in part, by a greater awareness of the importance of disaster management since 9/11. But another driver has been the increasing frequency and severity of disasters, as well as increased exposure of individuals and infrastructure to major risks.


disaster relief:名詞で「災害救助」。exposure:名詞で「曝露量」災害を予防する3つの規定(ハザード、曝露量、脆弱性)の1つ。


4. Research suggests that the number of weather-and climate-related disasters, such as hurricanes, flooding, and wildfires, is on the rise. In 2021 alone, in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, the United States endured Hurricane Ida, a catastrophic heat wave in the Pacific Northwest, and an extended forest fire season in California.


be on the rise:連語で「上昇傾向にある」。in the midst of:「~の真っ只中」。