♣ Useful Sentences
* The Indonesian magnitude 7 earthquake's epicenter was under the sea.
* Please stay here as there may be aftershocks.
* We will not return to the building until after the aftershocks have subsided and it is declared safe.
* The furniture and walls were shaking. (家具や壁が揺れていた)
* The street lights were violently swaying. (街灯が激しく揺れていた)
* A building collapsed onto the freeway. (建物が高速道路の上に倒壊した)
* The copy machine fell over. (コピー機が倒れた)
* The pictures fell down. (写真が落ちた )
◆ Exercise
At 13:42 M8 earthquake has occurred in Tokyo near to your company headquarter building. Your company HR has not yet confirmed all staff safety. There has been structural damaged to the building and there is uncertainty about when utilities such as power and water will be restored. The crisis management team has decided to activate plans to use a back-up office. Operation will begin at the back-up office in two days time. You have been asked by your manager to post a web-date to inform your foreign customers of the situation.
午後1時 42 分、マグニチュード8の地震が、東京の本社周辺で発生した。人事総務は、まだ社員全員の安全を確認していない。建物への被害があり、いつ電気や水道が修復されるか明らかでない。危機管理チームは、代替オフィスの利用を決めた。オペレーションは、2 日以内に代替オフィスで行われる。上司から現状について海外の顧客に情報提供するようウェブの更新をまかされた。
上司から現状について海外の顧客に情報提供するようウェブの更新を任されました。 あなたなら、どのように英語で説明しますか?
You have been asked by your manager to put an update on the company website in English on the closure dates of the Tokyo office and possible delays to August production. What should you write?
(東京オフィスの閉鎖日に合わせて、8月に考えられる生産の遅れ について会社のホームページを英語で更新するように、上司から 指示を受けました。どのように書きますか。)
IMPORTANT UPDATE: August power restrictions-impact on office and orders.
Due to scheduled power outages JGood.k.k Tokyo office will be closed on August 7th, 14th and 21st. However, our staff will be available to answer customer inquiries on the affected days by Tel:XX-XXX-XXXX or email sales@xxxx. co.jp Although JGoodk.k is making every effort to ensure that the August power restrictions have a minimal impact on factory production, there may be some delays to customer orders. Please contact us for more details. JGood k.k is co-operating with the Japanese governments request for power saving and apologies to customers for this temporary interruption of normal service.
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- サマンサのBCP英語講座
阪神・淡路大震災30年「いま」に寄り添う <西宮市>
阪神・淡路大震災30年語り継ぐ あの日
毎週火曜日(平日のみ)朝9時~、リスク対策.com編集長 中澤幸介と兵庫県立大学教授 木村玲欧氏(心理学・危機管理学)が今週注目のニュースを短く、わかりやすく解説します。
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